Free Training

EXCLUSIVE free training with 5 time Emmy-Award winning filmmaker Patrick Moreau
How To Go From Draining 12-Hour Days To Fulfilled 6-Figure Filmmaker
​​​​​​​Without a big crew, expensive gear, or feeling like an imposter

Inside this free training you'll discover:

  • Why being a successful filmmaker starts with increasing your perceived value

    The common mistake is thinking that your videos will 'speak for themselves'. We'll debunk this myth and show you how to massively increase your perceived value.

  • Why the biggest threat to your success is your impostor syndrome (and how to overcome it)

    If you're honest, most filmmakers have many moments of feeling like they don't belong, don't fit in, or don't have what it takes to make filmmaking a viable career. We ALL have felt this way and we'll look at what to do about that.

  • The simple science-backed process to start creating films that drive results

    Process doesn't sound sexy. But you know what is? Consistently making films you're proud of AND driving results for your clients all without needing to rely on luck. We'll show you how our process helps you get there.

  • Patrick Moreau

    Webinar Host and Founder of Muse Storytelling

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